Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law


4 - 7 July 2023

Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, ROMANIA

Call for papers


Abstract submission is now closed.


To submit your abstract/s create an account here and use the right menu from your account My account/Submit new abstract.

On behalf of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), it is our pleasure to invite you to the Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL 2023), with the topic Legal Psychology: From Research to Effective Practices. Besides the traditional format comprising a series of exceptional keynotes, workshops, open papers/symposia, poster sessions, we aim to boost the interactivity and networking opportunities offered by the EAPL, while introducing new presentation types (blitz talks, expert focus sessions, and keynote outstanding questions). How can you contribute?

Important dates:

  • Submission deadline: April 24, 2023
  • Notifications of acceptance will be offered on a rolling basis until June 1st 2023 the latest.
  • If you already submitted an abstract for EAPL2020, we will send you a message to check if you maintain your submission, but you are kindly asked to re-submit in the new template which will be available starting March 1st.

Please find below the information regarding submission guidelines.





  • Oral presentation sessions provide the opportunity for an extended presentation of your research, followed by a discussion with participants within dedicated parallel sessions which will be grouped by the organizers.
  • The duration of oral presentations is 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussions and questions.


  • The poster session will be a unique opportunity for extended discussion of your research, potentially with all conference participants.
  • Participation: We require one author of a poster to attend the entire respective poster session to present the poster.


  • Blitz-Talks are concise individual contributions.
  • Each presenter will have 5 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions.
  • Blitz-Talks can report all types of research, but this submission type is especially suitable for presenting single studies on novel topics, new data for discussion, replication studies, null findings and multi-study papers using a well-known methodology.


  • To encourage interaction between EAPL members on specific common topics of interest, we are welcoming oral symposia.
  • A symposium chair (or two co-chairs) invites three to five colleagues, ideally belonging to different research groups.
  • A symposium will contain a maximum of 5 presentations and can last up to 1,5 hours max. The duration of one presentation is 15 minutes maximum. Within each symposium, a minimum of 10 minutes should be left for final discussions.



The presenting author submits a paper by creating an account, then selecting Submit New Abstract.  


  • Title of the study (200 characters maximum, spaces included)
  • Authors of the study
  • Presenting author
  • Main text of the abstract (max 300 words), which should include the following:
  1. Objective of the study
  2. Methodology
  3. Results obtained or expected
  4. Conclusion
  • 3–5 keywords for your abstract

Do not include tables, graphs or special symbols or references in the abstract.

When submitting the abstract, please choose the type of submission (oral, poster, symposium, blitz-talk), as well as the theme that most closely matches your work. You can also choose “Other” if none of the themes are appropriate.

Eyewitness identification & memory

Interviewing, interrogations & confessions

Deception detection & malingering

Credibility assessment

Forensic & risk assessment


Criminal investigations

Victims & offenders

Other (to be specified)



  • Conference registration is required for all presenting authors. At least the presenting author must register as a participant and pay the participation fee by June 1st 2023, otherwise, the abstract will be automatically removed from the program.
  • One author can have a maximum of TWO presenting roles (e.g. speaker in a symposium and one poster).
  • The duration of oral presentations is between 15 and 20 minutes (ideally leaving 5 mins for a brief discussion).
  • Posters are displayed for 90 minutes.
  • The authors may indicate a preference for oral presentation/poster on the abstract submission form. However, considering schedule limitations, the organizers reserve the right to reallocate some oral presentations as poster presentations.
  • The author is solely responsible for the ethical and scientific content of the submission.
  • There are no fees for submitting abstracts.
  • Submitted abstracts cannot be modified or corrected after the submission deadline and will be published exactly as submitted.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes the authors consent for publication (on EAPL 2023 website, programme, other promotions).



Submission guidelines for the symposium chair:

·        When submitting your symposium description, please fill out the name of your symposium in the Title field. The chair (and potential co-chair) will first create the new symposium name and introducing it in the Title field. Next, they will be required to add a brief symposium description. This will be followed by the chair adding each individual presentation, containing authors’ names, affiliations, titles, and abstracts (maximum 300 words).

Some symposia sessions will be dedicated to Romanian practitioners/ students/ researchers. For Romanian symposia, the abstract can be in English (if you want to share your research with international participants) or in Romanian.

Poster format information:

Structure: A poster has the same structure as a scientific article and may include the following information:

  • Title
  • Authors (with contact details)
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • References


  • Poster content should be as clear and concise as possible:
  • Use short sentences. Rephrase in order to condense the text whenever is possible.
  • Use diagrams, tables, charts or figures if that’s appropriate.

The following characteristics are recommended:

  • Use an A0 size, portrait format (841 x 1189 mm)
  • The font size of the title is at least 80 points, bold face
  • The font size of the section headers is at least 32 points, bold face
  • The font size of the body of the poster (introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions) is between 18 and 26 points
  • Poster abstracts should be written in English. 



If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thank you for your interest in submitting to the EAPL 2023 conference!


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